Our ride -
Jeremy -
Bryen -
Rachel in love -
Sula the boat guardian -
Isaac & Niko Dog -
Amanda -
Finnegan -
Paul (and Finnegan) -
Our team
Amanda Harrington, our returning uber-guide, grew up in Saint John, New Brunswick, a stone’s throw away from the Bay of Fundy. Amanda has a degree in Recreation Sports from the University of New Brunswick and is also a graduate of the Saint Andrew’s Adventure Leadership program.
Besides being an avid white water and sea kayaker, Amanda finds time for wild hiking expeditions, long wilderness-seeking road trips, and rock climbing. She is also a Support-Dog trainer in training! Her own support dog, Seaka, is on site to alert Amanda to any chemical smells in the environment, because Amanda is allergic to colognes, aerosols, and other chemical smells.
Amanda has spent two winters leading expeditions on and off the water in Australia and New Zealand. She has an infectious laugh and tells terrible jokes – really terrible jokes. As a result, we only let her lead tours when our pun tolerance is high.
Bryen Hobbs is new to the team this year, but he has already made himself the darling of several local tour operators for his supernatural understanding of the ecosystems of the Bay and his confounding affection for lichen. Coming all the way from the Nation’s capital of Ottawa, Bryen is an undergraduate biology student at Carleton University. In 2022 he was a canoe guide in Algonquin Park, where he defended beavers from tourists seeking firewood, and ferried guests to all the great moose hotspots. Bryen is our go-to guy for French translations this year, a role he cherishes more and more with every tour.
Jeremy Hare is also new to Kayak Fundy, and he comes to us from Goodwood Ontario, by way of Vancouver. We like to call him our resident “bearded hipster”, but he is less keen on the title. A graduate of Outdoor and Adventure Education from Sir Sandford Fleming College, Jeremy is the chill guide who prides himself on having all the First Aid skills nailed down. We reckon knowing how to tie a really good tourniquet makes you mellow (not that we have ever needed such a thing. Guides just like to practice the creepy stuff). Jeremy has travel plans for the future and is building his kayak guide dataset in order to work and paddle where-ever in the world he has a mind to.
Gina Miller: Owner and operator of Kayak Fundy | FreshAir Adventure, Gina grew up in Atlantic Canada, then headed off to taste-test universities, collecting degrees she rarely uses, before moving to Hong Kong, China, in 2000. For two decades, Gina lived in Hong Kong, (where she worked as a business journalist, a sport-events coordinator, and a paddle coach). In 2011 she joined Kayak Fundy | FreshAir Adventure and returned to the Bay of Fundy each summer. In 2018 she returned to Canada full time and reacquainted herself with Canadian winter (brrrrr – that water is cold!). After many years of racing in Asia, Gina still loves to paddle fast on waves. She operates the surfski and wave-riding tours and training with Kayak Fundy | FreshAir Adventure. If you are interested in a new boat and a new adventure, she is the woman to call.
Paul Davis: Co-operator of Kayak Fundy | FreshAir Adventure, Paul is originally from the UK. Amazingly prescient, Paul foresaw Brexit as early as 1997, and to avoid the gloom, he moved to Hong Kong to earn first-hand experience of the dismantling of Britain’s global footprint. Paul took up Dragon Boat and Outrigger Canoe race paddling in Hong Kong and has brought his love for the technical side of paddling with him to Canada. Paul is married to Gina, and he doesn’t regret it one little bit.
Niko & Sula flew in from Hong Kong in 2018 and were Kayak Fundy | FreshAir Adventure’s official “greeters.” Sadly, they are no longer with us, but we cannot bring ourselves to remove the photos! Today Finnegan the Fiery is our newest wonder-mutt. He is a one-year old Red Setter which means he is full of energy. He is very affectionate but does not know his own strength so tries to play too rough with children.
Guides emeritus (sometimes they pop back in!)
Rachel McAdam hails from Fredericton but moved to British Columbia in 2021 to further her studies in outdoor education. A 2017 graduate of New Brunswick Community College’s Environmental Technology programme, Rachel has abandoned her inspection of benthic macro-invertebrates and counting whales and shorebirds to guide guests along the Bay of Fundy and classify species for the rest of us (whew!). She is unnaturally sweet and friendly, but we did our best to make her bossy. Be warned: children love her.
Isaac Miller returns to help guide at Kayak Fundy | FreshAir Adventure from time to time because life without sea kayaking is no life at all. (He is also obligated to appear because he’s family and we insist on seeing his handsome face a few times each summer.) Isaac has worked with Kayak Fundy since he was 15, and has paddled since he was old enough to be plunked into a boat and have his teeny fingers wrapped around a paddle. A keen white-water enthusiast and annoyingly fit, Isaac drops by often enough to make the rest of us feel wimpy. We like him anyway.